Friday, November 30, 2012

Night Market (Pasar malam) at Brinchang, Cameron Highlands

The Night Market at Brinchang (N4.49422 E101.38930) - Cameron Highlands is located around the area of Police Station Brinchang. Normally the night market is held on Friday & Saturday every week, but during the school holiday...the night market is carry on non-stop for the last 2 months of the year...

It was lucky that the rain stop after our dinner at Hong Kong Restaurant - Tanah Rata. So we just had a night market walk in the cooling was not crowded maybe because the rain just stopped.

Night Market (pasar malam) at Brinchang town, Cameron Highlands

Most of the stalls here sell, fresh vegetables, fruits, souvenires, local foods and etc...
We bought some of the 'small' strawberries (not sweet) and dried starwberries which was not bad...

The night market will easily spent about an hour or more for us to walk around, the stalls were located at both side of the main road...
We found one interesting 'Sea Coconuts' which from Thailand, and decided to taste on coconut cost RM6 for big and RM4 for small...tasted sweet. :)

Sea Coconuts stall

He cut it on-the-spot and let us taste before we buy, nice and honest guy!

When almost at the end of the night market, I found this stall very interesting! The strawberries which sell together with hot chocolate!

Hot chocolate strawberries stall

She will pour the hot chocolate on the strawberries depends on how many stick you want...we tasted one and continue to buy another two sticks. Hmm...tasty! 1 for RM2 and 3 for RM5.

The strawberries with hot chocolate

After finished our strawberries, said bye-bye with night market...and we walked back to the shops behind Rosa Passadena Hotel for some shopping...included to stock my beers...:)

That end our first day on Cameron Highlands...

Related post :-
*  My Cameron Highlands 3 days 2 nights trip on November 2012

Location map of Night Market at Brinchang, Cameron Highlands

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