Sunday, March 30, 2014

The nameless Kulaijaya (formerly known as Kulai) main road Chicken Chop stall

The Kulaijaya Main Road Chicken Chop stall (N1.66207 E103.60152) is famous around the area and many of the local grew together with the chicken chop, located along the main road and next to the Kulaijaya Centre Point Building. It has more than 30 years history and the son of the stall owner is helping his father nowadays...positively will be pass over to his next generation soon in the future.

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Kulaijaya Chicken Chop stall

The stall is open on 8pm everyday, and we were quite early that evening...watching they setup the stall and everything...
Once everything ready, their son continue to take order from the customers...

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After look at the simple and easy understand menu, we just ordered the popular chicken chop with the additional egg and sausage.

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It took a moment to served on our table...the simple and yet popular in Kulaijaya Main Road Chicken Chop.

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The Kulaijaya Chicken Chop

The simple chicken chop filled with nice aroma, served with deep fried chicken, fries, baked beans, sausage, soft boiled egg and cucumbers.
It was really 'simple'.

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It was crispy on the outer skin and succulent inside. The chicken was just nice, moist and not over cooked. The other side dish also not bad at all. Anyway, with the reasonable price of the chicken chop, we didn't set a high expectation for it but the dish served on table was unexpectedly good!

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The chicken chop above cost less than RM12, very filling.
It's simple and nice meal if you really looking for the fast and traditional chicken chop around the Kulaijaya area during the evening. It wasn't heavenly good and value for money.

I just simply like the traditional way of setting and admired the long history of the stall, I will be back again whenever I need a quick bite.

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The soft boiled egg served together with the chicken chop

The Kulaijaya Main Road Chicken Chop Stall
Jalan Besar (Main Road),
Kulaijaya, Johor.
Business hour : 8pm - 12am
Rest on every Monday

The location map of the Kulaijaya Chicken Chop Stall

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