Sunday, June 22, 2014

New series of yummy desserts at Lemon Tree Restaurant, Johor Bahru

The Sweet Moment dessert corner (N1.49135 E103.76201) is located in Lemon Tree Restaurant, Taman Melodies. The dessert corner is running by a young man - Mr Kevin Sio who provide many choices of dessert which suitable to all dessert lover in Johor Bahru.

I was fortunate enough being invited for the desserts sampling session on one of the evening, appreciated. You can view through the environment of the Lemon Tree restaurant from my previous post. The Sweet Moment corner is situated in their new expansion wing next door. The area is cozy and comfort to dine in. I like the retro ambience very much.

Before the series of desserts present on our table, we ordered a pizza to filled up the empty stomach before the desserts...

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Apologies for forgot the name of the pizza, but it was cheesy, crunchy on the edge and delicious!

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After the pizza, where everyone can't wait to see and taste of the desserts...Kevin Sio presented the first dessert of the evening - Matcha Tiramisu.

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Matcha Tiramisu

An utterly unique and delicious blend of flavors :-
- a layer of cheese cream,
- with a matcha powder -
- lady finger which dipped into sweet sake
- and a thin layer of chocolate cake at the bottom.

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Before we can finish enjoy the tiramisu, another attractive dessert presented on the table - Mousse Au Chocolate.

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Mousse Au Chocolate

I said, this was a creative chocolate cake I ever taste! (even I'm not a dessert lover)
It had 4 different layer provided with 4 total different textures, you will be surprise in one of the unique layer which cannot described by words, you have to taste it yourself. The vanilla ice cream was just nice on the sugar level, not overly sweet.

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Mousse Au Chocolate

The third - Chili Padi Sorbet. (bird eye chili)

A lemon base sorbet mixed with slight taste of chili padi spiciness. I bet you can't imagine the taste even, the sorbet was not spicy at all, but with a humble chili padi flavor which will appear before the ice dissolve. Surprise!
You have a try it at least once, if you are a true dessert lover!

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Chili padi sorbet from the Sweet Moment

Forth - Chocolate cubes

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Chocolate cubes

This plate of dessert served with a chocolate brownie in cube shape, a scope of vanilla ice scream (with some almonds) and a teaspoon of vanilla.

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The chocolate brownie

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The vanilla

Before we can grab the chocolate cube, the vanilla has to pour slowly on to it. The taste went well with both of it.

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The excited moment...

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The enjoyment of having the dessert was fabulous!

Beside the desserts above, The Sweet Moment also has other type of desserts available in the restaurant. All are serve with the healthy sugar level to comply with today taste, suitable from children to the seniors customers.

The Lemon Tree Restaurant is a nice place for lunch and dinner, even for a quick bite! I like the comfort environment with the friendly staffs, not to forget the humble boss - Mr Jeffery Bong. Most important, and everyone concern about the bottom line - reasonable prices (I rather called it 'friendly prices').

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The team on the evening

Specially thanks for Mr Kevin Sio (in black shirt) with his Art of Masterpiece! And appreciated for Mr Jeffery Bong (with checker T) who given this opportunity for us to enjoy the new series of dessert in Sweet Moment.

Sweet Moment Dessert Corner of
- Lemon Tree Restaurant
18, Jalan Bedara,
Taman Melodies, Johor Bahru.
Tel : +607-335 5688
Business hour : 12pm - 11pm (Close on Monday)
GPS Coordinates : N1.49135 E103.76201
Facebook :

Location map of Sweet Moment of Lemon Tree Restaurant at Melodies Garden, Johor Bahru.

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