Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Kuta beach of Lombok island - Indonesia

Less than 5km (10 minutes journey) from Ashtari Restaurant and Lounge, we visited the nearby beach - Kuta beach (S8.89492 E116.28319) of south Lombok island (there's another Kuta beach in Bali which is different).
According to Pak Uji, meaning 'Kuta' is gateway at the south, therefore there's another gateway in Bali too.

But we arrived at Kuta beach in poor timing, it was cloudy and low tide...

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Kuta beach of Lombok

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Despite the weather, all of us just simply shoot surrounding to satisfied our cameras...:)

The beach is full of volcano rocks, and the major different from the others beaches we visited was the sands...it's not actually 'sands', there were formation of round tiny stones! This was really special!

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Along the Kuta bay, the area is full of hotels and resorts, there's also many activities area like cafe, restaurant and shops. I believe the night activities hear must be happening too, but I'm yet to experience it.

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Beside taking photos of the beach, one of our tour mate - Noelle who was enjoying playing with the children around and taking nice photos.

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Noelle having fun with the kids around

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Noticed there were children and women walking along the beach selling souvenirs and hand weaved cloths...I didn't ask for the price...

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Women and kid selling hand weaved cloth and souvenirs...

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Before we leave the beach, I found this nature beauty standing alone on the volcano rock...it's the only outstanding rock along the beach...

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There was nothing much, we left the beach after 30 minutes and continue our journey to the next destination...

Related post for Lombok island trip :-
Airasia media FAM trip to Lombok Island - Indonesia on July 2014

Location map of Kuta beach in Lombok island, Indonesia.

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