Sunday, September 2, 2012

The LEGO® Story (video from Youtube)

The LEGOLAND® Malaysia is the hottest topic in town nowadays! Peoples are talking about it coffee shop, office, lift in the building, shopping complex, night life area and even in the multi storey car park!
Well, I can simply hear the topic anywhere in the coffee shop, most of them discuss about the entrance ticket price...some children look at the leaflet and said :"I want to test the ride!". some ask : "Is it Good?!", some said : "I want to fulfill my childhood dream!" (like me...)

It's a common topic today within the region, except those who haven't or never touch on the LEGO® bricks before...I played with the bricks during my childhood, but not much because it cost more than other bricks...yeah, I understand the quality in it.

So, before my next post of the Media Family day in LEGOLAND® Malaysia that we visited 'again' on 1st September 2012, I decided to share with you the 17 minutes video from Youtube about the history and story of the Famous LEGO®, and it also explain why the name of LEGO®. Do enjoy it before you step into the First in Asia LEGOLAND®!
(The youtube video was shared from one of my friend - Andrew Lee few days ago)

"As the LEGO® celebrates its 80th Birthday, we take a look back its history with this short animated film."

Do you decide to visit the LEGOLAND® now? :)

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