Saturday, September 1, 2012

Vintage car display at Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, Johor Bahru

Unintentionally popped into Jalan Tan Hiok Nee (N1.45632 E103.76332) at Johor Bahru on one of the Saturday evening...and the little street surprised me with full of Vintage cars! Later I realized there was a Vintage Car Show or display for the night...I guess I was the lucky one because didn't notice from the media or internet about the show...

Jalan Tan Hiok Nee on one of the Saturday evening

I took out my camera without delay and started to snap the Awesome classic cars in the street...
Let me show you some of the photos...

Jaguar XJ Series

And the Famous Panther...

Jaguar MKII 3.4 litre (1960)

Ford Anglia (1939-1967)

I couldn't get the model of the Volkswagon below, do let me know if you recognize this car...

Volkswagon ? (couldn't get the model...)

The popular vintage car at Johor Bahru - 'MG', cause I can see it on every Vintage Car Show around Johor Bahru.

MG B V8 Roadster

Morris Eight Series II

Engine : 918 cc Morris Type UB Side-valve Straight-4
Wheelbase : 90 in (2286 mm)

Morris Eight Series II

And follow by some cars that I unfamiliar with it...maybe you can enlighten me...:)

Recognize this logo?

The Beautiful Classic cars...

If you are Classic car lover, do take note on the car show from media, dont't miss it! :)

Location map of Jalan Tan Hiok Nee at Johor Bahru

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